Objektnummer: 10923032
Modern office space is available for rent in an attractive office and commercial building in a central location in Wieden. The building is arranged in an L-shape around a very wide, bright and well-kept courtyard area and is accessed via two staircases. The offices accessible via staircase 1 are oriented towards Wiedner Hauptstraße and the courtyard area; the office units on staircase 2 look into the courtyard area. The lease is for a limited term.
Galerie Wieden was made considerably more attractive last year, not least by the opening of a post office branch. In addition to the post office, BIPA, LIBRO, Ortoproban, a café and a tobacconist ensure a balanced mix of shops. Numerous other retailers and eateries in the immediate vicinity complete the optimal local supply.
The office space is being refurbished by the owner. The refurbishment includes the renewal of all surfaces; tenant-specific wishes as well as an adaptation of the floor plan can be taken into account as part of the refurbishment. The office spaces have room-by-room controllable cooling via fan coils.
You can find a video about this property at the following link: https://youtu.be/CnHamJu0cOY
Available areas:
1st floor top 1/1 approx. 390 m² from € 10.00/m² - reserved -
1st floor top 2/2 approx. 163 m² from € 10.00/m²
2nd floor top 1/4 approx. 470 m² from € 11.90/m²
3rd floor top 2/4 approx. 337 m² from € 11.90/m² - reserved -
Operating costs/net/m²/month: € 5.44 incl. heating
Flexible floor plans
openable windows
office lighting
Floor covering (carpet or linoleum)
external sun protection on the street side
Streetcar: 1,62, local train Vienna Baden
Subway: U1 Taubstummengasse within walking distance
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