Prepare for the application process - with our support! We would like to give you an insight into our process to help you prepare for your application.
Have you discovered an interesting open position on our website? By applying through our online tool, your data will be processed in compliance with GDPR immediately. For this, we at least need your current resume, and in the case of a unsolicited application, we would also appreciate a cover letter with some information about which area of our company you are currently interested in. Your application will then be reviewed, and the selection process will begin.
If your application have convinced us, we would like to learn more about you and will call you for a spontaneous phone interview lasting about 15 minutes. We look forward to the conversation to learn more about you and to give you the opportunity to introduce yourself and to make a first impression. If we cannot reach you, please feel free to call us back or let us know when you are available. To prepare for this conversation, you should already know when it would be possible for you to start with us or how long your notice period is. It is also beneficial if you can explain your core competencies in a structured manner. Additionally, you should know what aspects of the new workplace are particularly important to you.
In the 'Culture Fit' conversation, we explore whether you and our company can become an unbeatable team. Often small details determine whether someone fits the open position. Especially when we receive many great applications, we like to get a better impression of your personality.
We will share the impressions gained from the phone interview with the respective department and as a next step we will invite you to a personal meeting with the departement manager. Focus on your competencies that you have acquired through your career in this conversation. We are particularly interested in what is important to you and what wishes and expectations you have regarding your new job.
Depending on the position advertised, we will invite you to get an insight into your potential new workplace and your future role. You will spend about 1-2 hours in the relevant department, observing your team. You will learn about our work processes and get to know your new colleagues.
You have convinced us completely! We will contact you by phone to present our offer. If you agree, we will draft the employment contract and start the onboarding process into the company.